Nutriet Testing Palm Beach
Nutrient Testing Palm Beach, FL
Did you know 50% of people taking multi-vitamins are micronutrient deficient despite their supplementation efforts. Although you may eat a balanced diet AND do your best to take the proper vitamins and minerals, your body still does not receive the nutrients that it demands. This is due to a number of reasons including poor supplement quality, chronic illness, genetic and bio-chemical makeup to name a few. In addition, although the supplement industry is a multi-billion dollar market, it is needless to say that some of these poorly made products fail to get past your body’s digestive tract.
At Vitality Sciences we cross reference your micro-nutrient test results and create a customized supplement regimentation tailored specifically towards an individuals needs. Furthermore, to take patient supplementation to the next level, Vitality Sciences recommends IV Therapy infusions. Whether you are located near our Palm Beach HRT clinic or anywhere in the South Florida region, Vitality Sciences custom IV Therapy program creates vitamin infusions based on the results we receive from you nutrient deficiency test. IV therapy infusions are crucial in maintaining optimal health and are recommended once every two weeks. Keep in mind, that if you cannot make it to our clinic, our mobile IV Therapy team can visit you at your home, office or even hotel room to deliver and administer your vitamin infusion treatment.

Why IV Therapy
As we mentioned above, one of the biggest causes of improper supplementation are mal-absorption and chronic illness. Being that an improper absorption of vitamins and nutrients is a precursor to chronic disease, it is important to get patients back on the right track. Some examples of chronic illness are:
- Diabetes
- Fatigue / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / Adrenal Fatigue
- Mood Disorders and Stress intolerance
- Weight Management
- Gut Imbalances (Leaky Gut)
- Women’s Health (Menopause & perimenopause)
- Osteoporosis
- Cardiovascular disease
- Multiple Sclerosis and other neurological diseases
- Dementia and early stages of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease
IV Therapy And Nutrient Absorption
What we commonly see in people with chronic disease is high toxicity coupled with a deficiency in essential vitamins and minerals. These essential nutrients are important because they allow the body to ward off disease and effectively boost your immune system. Many people wonder how they developed this imbalance and the answer is both simple and quite complex. We’ll be covering those answers in further detail in our blog post coming soon. For now, we can state that due to the fast food culture in the United States, people are not getting their proper nutrients. In addition, the use of chemicals and pesticides around the world are at an all-time high. When the gut microvilli are damaged, people lose their ability to break down simple foods such as wheat and dairy that they’ve been previously used to digesting. This happens because our enzyme receptors on those microvilli have effectively been weathered away by the chemicals and toxins we’ve digested through out our lifetime. Once this takes place, nutrients from both food and supplements are more difficult for the patient to absorb. IV therapy infusions are a great way to bypass the gut entirely and get nutrition to the patient directly into their bloodstream. This is where nutrients are most quickly absorbed to begin with.
Nutrient Testing & Gut Health
What Happens When My Gut is Compromised?
When people experience gut issues, it does not automatically refer to stomach pain, Crohn’s disease, SIBO or even heart burn. Internal gut compromisation leads to a chain reaction of events that can have a patient feeling ill for long periods of time. If this is not properly addressed, a chronic illness may develop. A common reaction we see in this process is the inability to absorb B vitamins which are vital to maintaining muscle tone, lining the digestive tract and increasing the overall health of the nervous system. Once a patient is deficient in B-Complex glaring symptoms can be seen such as but not limited to:
- Low energy
- Weight Gain
- Decrease in red blood cell production
- Poor conversion of carbs, fats and proteins into glucose (leads to weight gain)
- Skin, Hair, Eyes, Mouth and liver issues
What Does My Micro Nutrient Testing Cover
Vitality Sciences offers one of the most thorough nutrient testing lab work in the country. Here’s what you can expect from your micro nutrient testing results.
With Vitality Sciences Nutrient Testing You Get:
- Vitamins A,
- B-Complex (includes
- Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B12)
- Biotin (B7)
- Vitamin C
- Folate
- Vitamin D & K
- Pantothenate
- Calcium
- Magnesium
- Zinc
- Copper
- Manganese
Amino Acids
- Asparagine
- Glutamine
- Serine
- Fructose Sensitivity
- Glucose-insuline
- Interaction
Fatty Acids
- Oleic Acid
- Metabolites
- Choline
- Inositol
- Carnitine
- Immune Response Score
- Total Anti-oxidant function
Our Services
HRT for Men
Hormone Replacement Therapy For Men in Palm Beach Gardens
HRT for Women
Hormone Replacement Therapy For Women in Palm Beach Gardens
IV Therapy
IV Therapy in Palm Beach Gardens
ED Treatment
Erectile Dysfunction Treatment in Palm Beach Gardens
Medical Weight loss & Ozempic
Medical Weight loss & Ozempic in Palm Beach Gardens
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